Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Increase Time During Intercourse - Warning! These Will Give You 100% Hotter Sex! By L. Lester

When it comes to sex, many men preoccupy themselves with non-sexual thoughts in the belief it will help them last longer. Some guys think about baseball statistics; other try to recall the day's mundane events; yet others simply "will" themselves not to orgasm early. The simple truth, NONE of these are actually very effective if you want to learn how to increase your time during intercourse. If you've tried them, you will know what I mean.

Plus, it can be really frustrating to make love to your woman this way. Sex is mean to be an enjoyable and satisfying experience. You don't want to distract yourself in the hopes of lasting longer, do you?

So what else can you do to enhance your stamina in bed?

Well, do the exact opposite. Instead of distracting yourself, tune INTO your current state of sexual awareness. Then take specific steps to reduce your state of arousal. For instance, try these techniques:

1. "More Than An Eye-Opener": You will notice that just prior to an orgasm, you will subconsciously close your eyes in anticipation of the climax. This is a reflex action that most men are not aware of. Try to make a conscious effort to keep your eyes open, especially as you approach an imminent orgasm. This little "trick" will help to deceive your brain and suppress your ejaculatory reflex.

2. "The Art Of Sexual Breathing": The excitement that builds up during sex will cause your heart rate to soar and your breathing to quicken. Allowing yourself to catch a few deep breaths before and during sex will almost magically calm your nerves, keep your erection up and help you last longer. The trick is to SLOWLY breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth, making sure the breaths come from the abdomen and not the chest. Don't underestimate this simple technique. It will do wonders to your endurance in bed!

Here's a bonus tip: If you seriously want to SUPERCHARGE your sexual stamina and confidence, this is a proven step-by-step system that helped me last 27 minutes longer in bed:

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